WHS As A File and Media Server, Cont

Besides SMB, WHS also offers additional ways for smart devices that aren't full-fledged computers to connect. Windows Media Connect is supported, so devices and software implementing that can use the server as a source of media, the prime example being the Xbox 360 and numerous home audio receivers. However users with very new devices will be disappointed to find that it only supports the older version 2.0 of this standard, which means some devices won't work.

New to this specific version of Windows is support for the Digital Living Network Alliance's self-named DLNA standard, a competitor for Windows Media Connect. Smart home audio receivers that don't implement WMC support usually implement this standard instead, and by offering DLNA support in WHS they will be similarly able to read media off of a WHS server. In an amusing note, by far the most widespread DLNA receiver right now is the Playstation 3, which got support for DLNA in the 1.80 firmware. So not only can the Xbox read media off of a WHS server, but so can the PS3.


So with all of this praise for the file serving features of WHS so far, why did we call this feature hit and miss overall? The answer is integration with Microsoft's existing home entertainment package, Windows Media Center Edition (MCE).

Simply put, there is no integration between the two. By default WHS and MCE are completely oblivious to each other, and furthermore if WHS is used to backup an MCE box it will purposely avoid backing up recorded shows (which makes sense, but only highlights the disconnect). Even accessing media on a WHS server from Vista MCE is more trouble than it needs to be; Vista Windows Media Player can use WMC to find media, but Vista MCE can't, it must log into a server's shared folders and be told specifically where to look for media. This is a one-time setup issue, but it still shouldn't be occurring.

All of these issues are just greater symptoms of the bigger issue though, and that is all of the space that both MCE and WHS both cover. An MCE box needs to be on 24/7 to record shows; a WHS box needs to be on 24/7 to backup and offer data. The obvious question quickly arises: why isn't the WHS box also doing the TV recording since it needs to be on anyhow, and we let the MCE box sleep? Microsoft has for some time now offered the Media Center Extender feature for other devices on a network to integrate with and control a Media Center Edition computer, but ultimately we run into the problem of a Media Center Edition computer being unable to act as an Extender itself; it's really a server. Even the Xbox has troubles in this regard, as it functions a heck of a lot better as an Extender than a WMC device.

The fact that Microsoft doesn't have a clear solution to deciding which device is really supposed to be the server is the representation of the disconnect that existed between the Vista and WHS teams. WHS really, really, really should have been an MCE-server box along with being a file server, so that it could hold several TV tuners and serve up TV to Extenders in a house.

In Microsoft's defense, Windows Server 2003 is a poor choice as a TV tuner; it's a file server and doesn't even offer the kind of driver compatibility required to work with the slew of tuners on the market. Microsoft has been aware of this oversight for quite some time and there's a lot of talk about making sure WHS 2.0 includes this kind of functionality, but that will be at least 2 years away. In the meantime anyone owning a WHS box and an MCE box will be on their own in finding a way to best split media serving abilities.

WHS As A File & Media Server WHS As A Webserver/Gateway/Everything Else
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  • Gholam - Sunday, September 9, 2007 - link

    Cheap motherboard-integrated controllers corrupt and outright lose RAID arrays all the time due to driver bugs, and performance is atrocious. I won't trust a RAID5 array to anything that costs less that $500, and for that price, you can just stick a few extra drives for duplication.
  • n0nsense - Sunday, September 9, 2007 - link

    I did with LSI MegaRaid 500 with 128MB cache (originaly come with 32).
    I found it in second hand store for 50$ :)
    actually you can buy new one scsi320 for ~300$
    as for sata, there is IBM ServerRAID 7t, HP, adaptec and other controllers for ~300$
    starting price of 150$ for 4 port SATA II controllers.
    Personally, i prefer raid 10, but the problem is were to put the disks.
    i already have 5 and only 1 empty slot left. (3x5.25 reserved for future water cooling)
  • n0nsense - Sunday, September 9, 2007 - link

    I did with LSI MegaRaid 500 with 128MB cache (originaly come with 32).
    I found it in second hand store for 50$ :)
    actually you can buy new one scsi320 for ~300$
    as for sata, there is IBM ServerRAID 7t, HP, adaptec and other controllers for ~300$
    starting price of 150$ for 4 port SATA II controllers.
    Personally, i prefer raid 10, but the problem is were to put the disks.
    i already have 5 and only 1 empty slot left. (3x5.25 reserved for future water cooling)
  • Gholam - Sunday, September 9, 2007 - link

    A 5 year old controller that you pick up at a second hand store is not something that I - or an OEM - can base a line of products on. A new RAID5 controller which is not built by Promise or Silicon Image will run you $500+ - the ~$300 solutions are ZCR cards that are basically addons to $500+ motherboards. ServeRAID 8s costs around $700, HP P400/256 nearly $600, well over $800 for P400/512. A bigger case to store extra drives - or a few external USB/Firewire/eSATA enclosures - will run you much less.
  • tynopik - Friday, September 7, 2007 - link

    > power outage is not on option when we talking about some kind of server.
    don't tell me, that UPS is something you don't use.

    1. ups is not something most home users will use, you have to design assuming it won't be there
    2. even if you do have ups, what happens when the batteries die? often the only warning you will get is one day the power flickers and the system shuts off. do you replace all batteries every 2 years whether they need it or not?
    3. even if you meticulously maintain your ups, the internal power supply can still go bad

    > hardware problems will do the same to your system and its really does not matter what you running inside.


    ntfs by itself is fairly fault tolerant. you yank the power you might lose a file, but everything else is fine

    raid5, you yank the power you might lose EVERYTHING

    that is why WHS file duplication is far safer and better

    > of course i can give you examples of corporate Data Centers with 0 data loss, but we are talking about home.

    of course i said it works if you're using ENTERPRISE LEVEL HARDWARE everywhere. Good raid cards start at $300. A $150 motherboard with onboard raid doesn't even begin to cut it.

    > let's organize it from worth to best.
    > no raid
    > soft raid
    > raid 1
    > raid 1+0 or 0+1.

    there is no such thing as 'best'
    there is 'best for a particular set of requirements'

    maybe your requirements are such that your best looks like that

    my best would like
    soft raid
    raid 1
    no raid
    raid 1+0 or 0+1

    (that's right, i would rather have no raid than 1+0 or 0+1)

    > This press machines working at full load non stop 24/7/365. Year @ IT department, no problems with raid.

    congratulations, you are one of the 70% who didn't have problems with their raid last year. Are you confident you won't be one of the 30% next year?

    > for not very advanced user i will recommend Debian box with Bacula to manage backups, syncing, share etc.

    not very advanced users aren't going to have a clue about Debian
    not very advanced users are going to be setup up raid properly
  • n0nsense - Sunday, September 9, 2007 - link

    Any UPS have connection to computer and will shut it down properly when configured to do so.

    As for controllers. I was surprised to find that almost all integrated raid controllers (including my), actually software and not hardware. So need to admit you were right about it. (I spent few hours to transfer my disks to Promise ST150 TX4 and rebuild the raid).

    NTFS is the best in Microsoft's world. but since we can't run Windows on ext3 or reiserfs, or Linux on NTFS, we can't actually compare them in real world benchmark. Theoretically, NTFS is inferior. Actually any modern FS of all desktop systems is good enough.

    So we still at the same point.
    I agree with you that WHS is good for redundancy (if you enable this option) where you don't want to use real raid controller with "small" price tag.

    But I just can't see justification to use it. Compared to alternatives it does not have something spacial enough to pay extra 180 USD. Yes I know that for most of users, Linux is something horrifying. But we are not talking about them, but about the WHS and alternatives. in this case about raid.

    by the way, i'm very curious. what raid 1+0 or 0+1 did to you ? :)
    that remind me to answer. shut down will cause you to lose open/unsaved files in any scenario. but it can also damage you entire HD. raid 5 will give you better redundancy then SINGLE disk(single data instance). but when duplicating, raid 1 is the best.
  • n0nsense - Thursday, September 6, 2007 - link

    nForce (i'm not sure, but i think there is intel's chipset based MoBos with raid 5) raid still better in terms of stability, redundancy and performance then any soft raid.
    think what will happen if your WHS will crush unrecoverably.
    how will you restore your data ?
  • n0nsense - Thursday, September 6, 2007 - link

    Hello, if you have important things that you don't want to get lost or corrupted by some virus or anything else, do your self a favor and check
    or any other user friendly distro.
    you will find a way better solutions for home (and not only) server.
    more exactly you'll find OS capable to be everything with more then proven stability and security.
    and yes, it will work inside your MS environment. as for file server (and this is main purpose of home server), you will find much better performance.
    You may want to extend it to be your media server. means really distributed one. server with tv card and clients on other boxes.
  • tynopik - Thursday, September 6, 2007 - link

    > as for file server (and this is main purpose of home server)

    no, the main purpose of WHS is backup

    if your main purpose is just a simple file server then yes, WHS probably isn't for you
  • mindless1 - Saturday, September 8, 2007 - link

    Absolutely not. A server is not backup, it would be a very foolish thing to keep your back as an online windows box.

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