
To test the temperature level of these cards, much like for power consumption, we took temperature readings off the cards while the system was idle and also while running benchmarks to stress the GPUs.

Idle Heat

Load Heat

Generally, all of the 8800 GTXs show heat levels that are very similar; around 62 to 67 degrees Celsius when idle and 81 to 87 degrees Celsius under load. The exceptions of course are the XFX GeForce 8800 GTS and the Sparkle Calibre 8800 GTX. Interestingly, this test is where the Calibre 8800 GTX's unique heat sink design really makes an impact. The temperature levels of this card under load are even lower than the XFX 8800 GTS by over ten degrees. This is somewhat perplexing considering that our Sparkle Calibre 8800 GTX sample didn't overclock very well compared to the other 8800 GTXs. Also keep in mind that although the peltier cooler keeps the GPU running at lower temperatures, the peltier element itself does contribute heat to the system, so this card won't necessarily keep your system cooler, just your GPU.

Power Consumption Noise & Final Words
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  • peternelson - Saturday, November 25, 2006 - link

    I'm hearing rumours of an even never "dual" type card called 8850gx2.

    Anandtech can you reveal any news on this?
  • at80eighty - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - link

    Annual Computernerd Wanfest of 2006 just rolled into town (im a wanking nerd btw :-p)

    what i saw in the papers was an ad for an XFX 8800 GTX. but this article doesnt mention it's existence (or i missed it)

    or did you pick he GTS as it was a better deal than the GTX?
  • Modular - Saturday, November 18, 2006 - link

    I was just wondering why there are no charts showing the core temps when the cards were overclocked. I'd be interested to see how much more heat these things crank out @ faster speeds. I also heard that they no longet throttle the GPU core when in 2D mode. That seems silly to me as it probably is a huge reason for the high idle power draw as well as the high idle core temps...
  • dpante1s - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - link

    Would be very interesting to see a roundup just for the 8800 GTS cards as I think that many users may only afford to buy this one but would like to know which one of those is the best for overclocking...
  • crystal clear - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 - link

    More GeForce G80 Series Revealed
    Published on November 13th, 2006


    G80-200, G80-400, G80-600,G80-850, G80-875

  • AnnonymousCoward - Monday, November 13, 2006 - link

    I believe your overclocking results are horribly flawed and misleading. The max core clock varies with each semiconductor part, so you can't just take 8 cards from different companies and determine which company overclocks the best! They all got different G80 dies.

    Now, cooling could affect the overclock amount. But based on the cooling results, there's no correlation. Look at Sparkle's poor overclock versus its great cooling, as well as EVGA's and MSI's great overclocking versus heat. No correlation.

    At least Page 5 said "Whether the overclocks we reached are due to variability in cores or..." But Page 8 showed more misunderstanding with "The temperature levels of this card under load are even lower than the XFX 8800 GTS by over ten degrees. This is somewhat perplexing considering that our Sparkle Calibre 8800 GTX sample didn't overclock very well compared to the other 8800 GTXs."

    The conclusion should have been "8800GTX's overclock between 627-659MHz", and don't bold the one in the table from the company that happened to get the best die.
  • shamgar03 - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - link

    I concur, unless the author can present more evidence?
  • cryptonomicon - Monday, November 13, 2006 - link

    They're valueable to me :(
    Would love if they every got included on vid card roundups like these...
  • shank15217 - Monday, November 13, 2006 - link

    the new nvidia cards are doing great but just take a look at the older 7 series and compare it to the ATI offering. ATI 1950XTX hands the geforce 7 series its butt. I have a strange feeling the R600 will give Nvidia a run for its money.
  • xsilver - Monday, November 13, 2006 - link

    i found it interesting that on one of your graphs that the overclocked GTS is able to noticibly beat the GTX
    would it be possible at a more sane 1600x1200 resolution?

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