12:36AM EST - And we're done here, more later

12:36AM EST - Wrap-up summary: Tegra X1, Drive CX, Drive PX

12:35AM EST - Tegra X1 for graphics for cars, Tegra X1 for compute for cars

Sorry, the video player failed to load.(Error Code: 101102)

12:34AM EST - This Tegra PX unit has never been trained against the NV parking garage. It did all of this on the first shot

12:33AM EST - Now parking

12:33AM EST - Auto valet finally found a spot

12:30AM EST - Using the camera data to model the environment and then do path finding in it

12:28AM EST - Running Drive PX against the simulation

12:25AM EST - Using sim to show how Drive PX auto-valet works

12:24AM EST - NVIDIA created a simulation of their parking garage

12:22AM EST - More on Drive PX: Surround Vision

12:22AM EST - And NVIDIA wants to supply the hardware and parts of the osftware

12:21AM EST - Audi bullish on self-driving cars

12:19AM EST - Audi now going on a multi-state tour with their self-driving car

12:18AM EST - Now discussing Audi's self-driving concept car

12:16AM EST - Audi Prologue: Audi wants to go all digital in the cockpit

12:13AM EST - Discussing Audi's pioneering use of Tegra in their cars

12:10AM EST - Audi is a repeat partner of NVIDIA. Have been at previous NVIDIA events

12:10AM EST - Now on stage Ricky Hudi of Audi. Exec VP of Electronics Development

12:07AM EST - Tegra X1 neural net classification performance is more than doubled over TK1

12:07AM EST - Closing the circle: send classification results back to the supercomputer to correct improperly identified objects

12:06AM EST - Drive PX receives the finished neural net and uses it for classification

12:05AM EST - Training is GPU-time intensive, so it occurs on Tesla supercoputers

12:03AM EST - (Outside NV HQ, so it was staged)

12:02AM EST - Cameras at least properly identified the police car behind them

12:02AM EST - NVIDIA car got pulled over by the police

12:01AM EST - How to Train Your Computer

11:59PM EST - Identifying cars, trucks, vans, etc

11:58PM EST - Still on Drive PX computer vision demo. New scene: Vegas

11:56PM EST - Drive PX can also identify speed cameras

11:55PM EST - Processing is in monochrome, though the video is color for human benefit

11:54PM EST - Drive PX is IDing signs, pedestrians, traffic lights. Can even pick out partially occluded pedestrians

11:53PM EST - Clarification: video is recorded, Drive PX processing is being done live

11:51PM EST - Neural networks in a nutshell: throw a ton of data at a network and let it figure out how to organize it to recognize it in the future

11:51PM EST - Now showing a demo of how a recently trained Drive PX sees the world

11:50PM EST - Neural networks to power car image recognition

11:48PM EST - Neural networks, continued

11:45PM EST - Neural network tech is still fairly new, but its getting better

11:42PM EST - Now a brief overview of how neural networks work and how they can be trained on GPUs and then executed on GPUs

11:41PM EST - Neural networks and computer vision tend to be good fits for GPUs, so for NVIDIA this is a logical use for their GPU technology

11:40PM EST - Analysis taps all the major Tegra X1 components: CPUs, GPUs, and ISPs

11:40PM EST - Use camera data + Drive PX plus software based on deep neural nets to begin understanding the world and build an internal model of it

11:37PM EST - Cameras: 1080p60, x12

11:37PM EST - Based on 2 Tegra X1s, 12 camera inputs, process 1.3GPix/sec

11:37PM EST - "Auto-pilot car computer"

11:37PM EST - Second new car platform: Drive PX

11:36PM EST - Self piloting cars? NVIDIA wants to build the in-car computer to enable that

11:34PM EST - Now how to replace radar and ultrasound with vision cameras (in some circumstances)

11:33PM EST - Quck description of how ADAS works: radar, ultrasound, and vision

11:32PM EST - Parking assist, lane change assist, adaptive cruise control, etc

11:31PM EST - More cars, now discussing ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

11:30PM EST - Wrapping up Drive CX. NVIDIA sells the whole platform

11:28PM EST - Change the simulated material used for you gauges on the fly

11:28PM EST - More on physically based rendering and how important NVIDIA feels it is

11:24PM EST - Running physically based rendering on the cockpit, just to show that they can

11:23PM EST - Android-powered, so it can be used with Google Maps and other Android apps

11:22PM EST - Now showcasing navigation mode

11:21PM EST - The 3D cockpit looks more flashy than functional, but the concept seems sound

11:19PM EST - Drive Studio is meant to be a complete off-the-shelf digital cockpit solution. NVIDIA is including almost everything one would need

11:18PM EST - Live demo of Drive CX running a virtual cockpit and infotainment center

11:17PM EST - Drive CX uses: navigration, cockpit displays, etc

11:17PM EST - There are issues with connection on site, images are slow to upload.

11:16PM EST - Also comes with an NVIDIA software suit called DRIVE Studio

11:16PM EST - Powered by Tegra X1, is a complete digital cockpit computing kit

11:15PM EST - New NVIDIA platform: Drive CX

11:14PM EST - Talking about how "rich displays" in cars mean more displays at a higher resolution; need more powerful GPUs to run it

11:13PM EST - NVIDIA's Tegra automotice business has been a small success amid the greater challenges that hvae faced Tegra

11:13PM EST - Now for a subject that's a favorite of Jen-Hsun: cars

11:12PM EST - Paper napkin math says that the GPU clockspeed needs to be 1GHz for NVIDIA's GPU performance numbers

11:12PM EST - Confirmed that it's Erista

11:12PM EST - NVIDIA is proclaiming it a 1 TFLOPS GPU, though this is at FP16 as opposed to the more normal FP32 metric for TFLOPS

11:11PM EST - TX1 adds native-ish FP16 support

11:10PM EST - Clearly not as high quality as the desktop GPU demos, but it still looks impressive

11:09PM EST - This of course already ran on Maxwell desktop GPUs, so it looks like NVIDIA has ported the necessary bits to ARM

11:08PM EST - Yep. Eleental

11:07PM EST - Sounds like we're going to be seeing Unreal Engine Elemental running on TX1

11:07PM EST - Tegra X1 demo, running at roughly 10W

11:07PM EST - Maxwell's energy efficiency means that NVIDIA can alleviate some of that unavoidable TDP throttling

11:05PM EST - Promising much better GPU performance than Tegra K1 at the same power

11:05PM EST - GPU-heavy introduction. The focus is all on the GPU

11:05PM EST - This should be Erista, first added to the NV roadmap at GTC 2014: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7905/nvidia-announces-jetson-tk1-dev-board-adds-erista-to-tegra-roadmap

11:04PM EST - 8 core CPU

11:04PM EST - 256 core Maxwell GPU

11:03PM EST - Announcing Tegra X1

11:03PM EST - Starting things off with Maxwell

11:02PM EST - Starting with a recap of past achievements; Tegra K1, Maxwell, etc

11:02PM EST - Jen-Hsun is now on stage

11:01PM EST - NVIDIA has started promptly at 8pm

11:01PM EST - Ryan is on the keys, Josh is on the photos

11:01PM EST - Okay, we're seated and connected

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  • hammer256 - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    Huh, 8 core CPU, I wonder if they are using ARM's big-little implementation, probably with cortex 5x cores?
  • jjj - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    They mentioned 2 clusters or something like that, don't remember the precise wording but it's clear it's bigLITTLE and that blows, wanted quad Denver.
  • mmrezaie - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    maybe there are different iterations of tegra this time. 10W sample board looks scary, but in hpc though ...
  • jjj - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    we'll see but no hint so far ,they keep talking about cars.
  • kron123456789 - Monday, January 5, 2015 - link

    I hope they'll show something mobile, not just hpcs for cars.
  • hammer256 - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    I do wonder what the future of Denver holds then... hopefully they will keep on iterating on it.
  • jjj - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    Specs from the press release
    Tegra X1's technical specifications include:
    256-core Maxwell GPU
    8 CPU cores (4x ARM Cortex A57 + 4x ARM Cortex A53)
    60 fps 4K video (H.265, H.264, VP9)
    1.3 gigapixel of camera throughput
    20nm process
  • hammer256 - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    Oooh, good to see that 20nm process showing up.... Now I wonder what the transistor count is, maybe ~1.5B?
  • jjj - Sunday, January 4, 2015 - link

    we should see 16nm in devices this year (Huawei had Q3 on their roadmap) so if this 20nm doesn't get in actual devices very fast ....
  • vred - Monday, January 5, 2015 - link

    Frankly I am disappointed... no Maxwell news, nothing about GM200...

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